Male gay porn stars paul carrigan

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explicit nude male photography, often featuring popular stars from the gay adult film industry, erotic fiction, video reviews and other features.Ībout Mason. He started working in the hardcore business in 1997 at the age of 33.įrom a gay pornstar site, somewhat edited here: He was born 4/20/64 in West Virginia and in the 90s identified as gay.

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Mark was featured in Boy Toy Wrestling 2, which was directed by Paul Carrigan. The meaty also appeared in Paul Barresi’s The Mentor, released in 2006. He was last seen performing in 1999 and never went back to the business.Ī still from The Mentor, Mason and youngman Peter Wilder about to kiss at the dinner table: Mark Mason teamed up with Patrick Ives, Kip Casey and Kent Burke in the film The Orgy Experience.

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